A body that works for you

We believe that everyone deserves good health, to live a pain-free lifestyle and to reach their goals!

At Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics, we believe everyone deserves to reach their goals and live their life pain-free. Our team of therapists are here to help you with a wide range of health conditions and movement disorders. Whether it be from easing muscle and joint pain, improving flexibility and strength to providing you with evidence based weight loss and nutrition education. Our team can help you reach your wellbeing and lifestyle goals with a holistic approach. Contact us today to organise your one-on-one session with an accredited therapist and receive a comprehensive report and tailored recommendations.

What makes us your best health partner? We take time to get to know you!

Every new patient receives a full one-hour initial consultation with their therapist. You can expect to have an in-depth discussion and physical assessment to determine your health outcomes, goals and treatment plan suited to tailor your needs.

The human body is an amazing and complex network of interconnected systems that work hard to keep you moving day-after-day. When one system is impacted, it can affect other areas of your body that might not seem obvious.

Our highly-trained, multidisciplinary team work together to determine your needs, cause of the problem, make a diagnosis and provide a thorough, holistic treatment plan that leads to you achieving your health and wellbeing goals.

We connect all the dots

At Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics, you have access to Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy,  Nutrition & Dietetics and Remedial Massage services. Our tailored approach means that you will move from pain to performance in a way that makes sense to you and your goals.

Contact us today to find out where to start

Find new ways to move and feel

Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics help many people from all walks of life every year to reach their goals. Let’s find a way to make you feel better!

Spend your time on what matters most

Find your closest location and get started today.

Get in Touch with Us!

As primary healthcare providers, we can be your first call to diagnose the source of your pain. At your first appointment, we’ll spend an hour with you listening and assessing. We’ll be able to provide you with the best next step solution to help you recover.
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